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Bert Pulles
Rank: Not known
Bert Pulles



Former Dutch Army


18th september 1944

Survived the war?
Dutch Army

Dutch Army

Remembering Eindhoven...

I was in the Dutch army when the Germans occupied Holland. I was stationed in The Hague where our unit was assigned to the defence of the various Embassy's situated on the Lange Voorhout in that city.

You may well imagine the sorry I felt when I realized that we had now lost our freedom.As with many of our citizens of that time I was forced to do everything possible to stay out of the German labour camps. I was successful I never went to Gemany.

I lived with my parents in Eindhoven, I will never forget the wonderful men of the 101st Airborne Division who landed at Son 5 km. from Eindhoven on September 17 1944. I had lived in Canada for 6 years prior to WWII and went to school there so spoke perfect English.

Never will I be again as happy as the morning of September 18 the day after the parachute Jump which I had witnessed from the rooftops in our Neighborhood. And was more than happy to be able to escort the men of Fox company of the 506 parachute infantry regiment to the 88mm Gun which I had noticed the Germans setting up early in the morning.

I met and was lucky enough to become friends with many of these friendly liberators, and later when we were again living in Canada, I joined the 101st Airborne association and attended 11 of their annual reunions, in the United states, I am now 81 yearsof age and have a little trouble going on long trips so have not been to any more reunions.

But still I am a heart and soul member of the association and am constantly in touch with many of my friends of the 101st.

Thank you liberators I will never forget you

Bert Pulles,
Saskatoon Sk. Canada

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